Google Lunar XPRIZE team HAKUTO unveiled the new name of their Moon-exploring robot – and they did it in style!

The team’s chic Moon rover is now known as SORATO, a name submitted by their fans (congrats to the winning fan).
SORATO is not only the name of the rover, it’s also the name of the official theme song, performed by the famous Japanese electronic-rock act, Sakanaction.

Sakanaction getting the party going, Moon-style.
It’s always exciting to see music, the arts, and space come together in such a mainstream way. There’s a lot of inspiration to be had out there in the cosmos!
For more about the rover’s technical specifications, check out the video below. And stay tuned for SORATO’s Moon launch, set for December 28th of this year.
Written by:
Author: Nick Azer; Editor: Susan Emmer